Friday, December 11, 2009

Last Summer

is a confirmed shithead. Whats worse is that I'll probably go through with everything. I'm heartless and evil and I hate it.

Right now I have to go loose another friend. I wish dudes wouldn't get my hopes up about friendships then SHUT ME DOWN when I wont date them

Didn't go home last night. Being driven to the t then i have work but i just want to sleep!

6 hour shift. I don't want to be working so much! but at least I'm getting paid mad bills/ i don't have keys anymore.

I'm really sad I lost my keys. I'm really sad that I dreamed about your dead dog. Today feels better but yesterday still stings.

I can't wait to go to CT this weekend. I'm waiting for the shit to hit the fan, its me getting what I deserve after all. It is all for you<3

I'm going to Peperell to feed the horses and milk the goats then fort fuck awesome to see atlas. Como se dice <3, en espanol?

I think I've been feeling so mixed up because I'm a jerk. I'm buying rolls of film today. I think I'm gonna take pictures in the rain.

I've got my hands on the one end, and I don't know where to put them :/

Just gave a stranger a ride home from the T under the pretences that he wasn't an axe murderer. He missed his bus

opening tomorrow. Gonna talk to some cutie on my cell phone before bed. Goodnight!

I feel out of sorts. Maybe I'm just inherently sad. I wish I knew why. I think I'm going to go listen to owen records and do a rain dance.

Maybe if it wasn't raining I could ride my bike, or use my camera. I would know what to do with myself. I dreamed about snow.

Fuck i should have never gotten in the car with this kid. He's a douchebag and definetely some weird sexual deviant.

I can't figure out if this kids dick is real or not. It looks like he stuffed a sock in his pants or something. It is bugging me bad

Oh man it is DEFINITELY a sock. Wow thats so fucked up. I just brushed up against it by accident Just met the nicest dude on the train! He was talking to me about the fountainhead. He was so glad i was reading it. Hope i have enough gas

Rockin' out to nfg of the way back to ct!s

Bye bye little red car.

I heard a rumor that my phone sucks, my car is totaled, and i'm quitting ct. And i heard its true. I couldn't be sadder about my car. Kate just brought me oreos and chocolate soy milk. She rules so hard.

gonna bake a big fucking vegan birthday for the best dude in town!

new car. my phones ringing off the hook. I'm ALWAYS thinking of you. and I'm baking vegan funfetti cake! I can't wait to ice it

Glastonbury? I had a super wonderful day! Connecticut till monday

Shaun's house.

I was played a timpini in that church. Litterally, it was a tribute to musical instruments and i was the timpini!

has a train in 50 minutes. My hair is starting to make me look like a poison-listening 80's bimbo. And honestly, I'm sort of into it.

oh man, I got there. There is no one else there. Just my big brother telling me I'm wrong to feel this way. I'm a disaster when I'm home.

I wrote him and asked him to tell me about living on a commune and hopping trains. I'm a hopeless romantic.

I wish I could hug you

I'm working 35 hours this week. I hope none of the other employees notice that I'm an hour hogger. Oh well, I don't do the scheduling.

Shaun Harle is my boyfriend and I'm sick of feeling guilty about it. Goodnight

I'm trying to decide on the correct time to drop out of society. Its too soon to tell.

Had the yummiest breakfast with chelsea this morning! Hummus sandwhich and vegan cupcake for lunch!

In dunstable. Going on a driving adventure by myself tonight.

The woods in dublin new hampshire

I'm at boyscout camp

had a peanut butter sandwhich for breakfast cause we have no cereal :-(. I love cereal.

Watching moving mountains sound check. Then dinner with mitch. Then train to ct! Then shaun :) finally!

I am 19 today

@shauntron. I miss shaun's stupid face already.

making dinner. swimming with kate. brother!

I want my car back! Btw: cinnamon buns were a huge success! I wish @shauntron was here to eat them all.

So I'm packed for tour! Just need to finish packing for college tomorrow by 2:30! I'm putting away the computer until I go to school.

Out of work! Beginning my journey

Now, looking back on it, I only really have happy memories. The rest, I've forced myself to let go.

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